Warriors, unite! This being the first post after Halloween, I was planning on making “Fear” the theme of this edition of Weekend Warrior.
All about what scares us–whether it’s heights, reaching our goals, or second-guessing or footing. But then I went searching for Warrior photos and realized something: “Fear” has no place in what we do or who we are. Warriors are Warriors because we DENY the advances of “Fear.”
We turn our backs on it, plug our ears against it, and pretend it doesn’t exist. Because in order for us to be true Warriors, it CAN’T exist. So we don’t let it.
This week let’s celebrate those brave, courageous, no-holds-barred, take-no-prisoner Warriors among us who just don’t care about a little thing called the f-word.
Are you a warrior? Then share your epicness with this epic badge!
Just copy and paste the code below!
<div><a href="https://www.glacier-national-park-travel-guide.com/weekend-warrior-wednesday-november-6th-2013.html"><img alt="weekend warrior badge" src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/gnptg/weekend-warrior-badge.png" /></a>View more Weekend Warriors at <a href="http://www.www.glacier-national-park-travel-guide.com/weekend-warriors/">Glacier National Park Travel Guide</a></div>
Here are the top 5 pictures we found this week for Weekend Warrior Wednesday. Hope you’ll share your comments below!
It looks like Mr. and Mrs. Adventure had an awesome time in San Luis Obispo, taking in some hiking, some biking, and some fancy dining. Here they are in Montana de Oro State Park, tearing it up! / Mr. and Mrs. Adventure
Warrior Leor is a serious runner. Need some proof? Here she is boldly taking on an 8-mile trail between Little Lakes Valley and Morgan Pass in the Sierras. No car, no sweat, no fear. Hit up her blog for more awesome pics and the lowdown on her rugged run! / Leor Pantilat’s Adventures
Beck Olstad isn’t afraid of a little snow–or a little (lot) of altitude–as she shows us here at the top of her hike up Colorado’s Mt. Sherman. / Becky Olstad
Professional climber and Warrior Hazel Findlay took her buddy James to Yosemite to tackle The Nose and Freerider. Here, James is taking a little break and letting us know that a little thing like height isn’t going to bother him one little, itty-bitty bit. / Hazel Findlay Climbing
This fearless Warrior does a little bit of “canyoneering” in the strange and alien terrains of Colorado Plateau. / Bedrock and Paradox
Every Wednesday we’ll be gathering the best outdoor photos from around the web from outdoor junkies and weekend warriors like you! If you got a photo you want featured, send it our way! What’s your favorite of the bunch? Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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