Hiking with kids in Glacier National Park

We’re taking a Glacier National Park vacation this summer for 10 days in late June.

We will have a night in Many Glacier Hotel and one in Prince of Wales Lodge (just because they’re spectacular); we will park an RV in Many Glacier Campground for 5 days and at Avalanche for 5 days.

Planning on taking a Red-Jammer tour, but don’t know which one would be best.

We want to hike a lot, but don’t know what trails are realistic. We’d like to get off the beaten path some.

Our kids are 9, 10, 11 and 13, and we hike a lot, backpack a little (in the Smokies; some elevation gain but lower elevations.)

So, what do you recommend? (And if you recommend a trip itinerary, I’ll likely spring for it =)


Hi Amy,

Hiking with kids in Glacier National Park can be a wonderful, but challenging experience.

There are so many hiking trails to choose from that it’s almost impossible to make a ‘wrong’ decision.

The most important things to remember when hiking in Glacier National Park with kids is safety.

I cannot stress that enough. Glacier National Park is not like the Smokies. There are many more dangers that you must be aware of, such as:

– Grizzly bears
– Mountain lions
– Dangerous cliffsides
– Dehydration
– Altitude sickness

Don’t let this deter you though! 🙂

As long as you are prepared, you will be plenty safe. By prepared, this means:

– Bear spray
– Not letting your kids hike far in front of you
– Bringing a portable water filter
– Having Camelbaks full of water (too many families hike with a water bottle each and that is not safe)

OK, still with me? Good.

Onto Glacier National Park hiking trails for kids…

Here are some of my favorites:

– Siyeh Pass
– Avalanche Lake
– Iceberg Lake
– Gunsight Lake and Florence Falls

If you’d like, Amy, I’d be happy to write up a full itinerary for you with explicit details for safety, gear recommendation, and daily activities.

It’s the sure-fire way to make sure you have the best Glacier National Park vacation ever!

Learn more about our Glacier National Park, Montana trip itineraries.

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Nov 15, 2011




by: Perry

Please email me at:


To discuss an itinerary.


Nov 15, 2011



Full Write-Up Request

by: Anonymous

“If you’d like, Amy, I’d be happy to write up a full itinerary for you with explicit details for safety, gear recommendation, and daily activities.”

Well, I’m not Amy, but it would be great if you’d do a full itinerary write-up!

Thank you.

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