This is a story shared by one of our readers who did not leave his/her name. Thank you for your contribution! On Monday, September 16th 2013, we pulled into the parking lot by the kindersley/sinclair loop trail head. A couple from Montreal asked if they could hike with my buddy and I. We agreed, introduced […]
Deathly afraid of hiking or camping in grizzly bear habitat? You're not alone! But here's a secret: 99% of people who hike in grizzly bear country never even see a bear. But for those fortunate ones that do... well, that's what this place is for.
Here is home to the Internet's largest collection of grizzly bear encounter stories. Poke around & live vicariously through the encounters of others. Maybe you'll one day be fortunate enough to encounter one (from afar).
Have you seen a grizzly bear? Then we want to hear from you! Click here to share your story with the world.
Want the BEST of the best? Here are the most popular grizzly bear stories: