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Orange Wildflower Identification

Orange wildflower species are rare in Glacier National Park. If you happen to spot one, be certain to savor and photograph the moment, as you may never see one again during your Montana vacations–the exception, of course, being Indian Paintbrush, which is more red than orange anyway. Below you will find images and descriptions of […]

Purple Wild Flowers

The purple wild flowers of Glacier National Park can be found clinging to life along a mountain pass, in fields of wildflowers congregated near Logan Pass, along riverbeds and lake shores—basically, almost anywhere you look you will spot violet wildflowers. Below you will find images and descriptions of common purple wild flowers within Glacier National […]

Info on Montana's State Bird: The Western Meadowlark

The Montana state bird is like the state’s citizens: deeply protective of its territory, fans of fence posts to mark land, and solitary–no wonder the Western Meadowlark was chosen as the state bird. But unlike the Montana State Flower or Animal, which were chosen by adult voters, Montana’s children picked this songbird to represent their […]

Info on Montana's State Flower: The Bitterroot

The bitterroot, voted the Montana State Flower in 1894, perennially sprouts beside snow banks as winter retreats. Its whiteish-pinkish-purple petals are an iconic image of western Montana and Glacier National Park. The bitterroot (Lewisia rediviva) grows from southern British Columbia, along the coast of California, against the Rocky Mountains of Coloraod and into the high-altitude […]

Montana Fish and Wildlife

Wild, romantic, and noble, Montana Fish and Wildlife is representative of America. It’s the America that inspired Lewis and Clark to continue their westward trek, the America filmmakers like John Ford recreated in his Westerns, and the America the US National Parks system preserves. While in Glacier National Park, viewing Montana’s, fish and wildlife is […]

Montana Facts

When people think of Montana, their imagination weaves Montana facts and fiction together. Few have ever been to this magnificent state, let alone know someone who has traversed its emerald forests, dizzying mountains, gaping chasms, endless plains and lazy rivers. The only Montana facts people are aware of is that Montana is a part of […]

Montana Airports

Glacier National Park, Montana We all know it: Montana’s remote. As a result, flying into Montana airports can be expensive. However, this doesn’t mean Glacier National Park vacations are restricted for the rich and those within driving distance: planning your vacation in January allows you to attain cheap flights. You have a few options to […]

Glacier National Park Cabins

Glacier National Park, Montana Glacier National Park Cabins allow visitors to rest their weary bodies in comfort and privacy after a day of adventuring. Unlike lodging accommodations, there are no other visitors to intrude on your solitude. And unlike Glacier National Park camping, your nights are guaranteed to be warm, comfortable and mosquito free. For […]

Explore Two Medicine

To the Blackfeet Indians, the mountains of the Two Medicine region were referred to as the Backbone of the World. In addition to hunting, the Blackfeet would venture into the shadows of these massive mountains on vision quests. Today, this area is just as breathtaking and vision inducing for the trekkers who explore the vast, […]

Identify Wildflowers in Glacier National Park

With over a thousand species, wildflower identification is a fun, engaging activity that can be done anywhere in Glacier National Park: From high-alpine meadows… to the rugged slopes of the Lewis & Clark mountains… to the fields and prairies they cascade into. From dense forests that envelope the eastern side of the park… to the […]